vh project news 1.11: 2024-02-05:: Final archival release - this code is obsolete 1.10: 2014-06-04:: Changes the license from GPL to BSD. 1.9: 2010-10-22:: Is an archival release, probably no one uses this any more. 1.8: 1997-01-08:: Updated for curses 1.9.1b, which uses curses.h, not ncurses.h. 1.7: 1995-05-06:: Added the HTML obsolescence comment. 1.6: 1993-11-07:: Fixes some minor bugs and moves the main port to ncurses. 1.5: Makes cursor positioning a bit more intuitive. 1.4: Adds a new -f option for extracting lists of entries. Ray Gardner says: Versions up to 1.5 were pre-version-control and cannot be precisely dated, but I believe I ported the program to Unix in mid-1991.