shipper project news 1.13: 2018-11-27 Add capability to set the background image of the templated web page. Add sanity checking of NEWS release dates 1.12: 2016-01-29 Forward-port to Python 3. 1.11: 2016-01-12 Fix a bug that caused shipper -w of a SourceForge project to screw up. 1.10: 2015-09-02: Stymie a buffering bug in Python that caused short writes piping to a shell. Recognize and ship xz archives. 1.9: 2015-08-23 Switch to Patreon from Gratipay, which no longer supports individuals. 1.8: 2015-05-24 Per-project shipper variables can now be set from git config section. Removal of Berlios support, since I've learned that it shut down in 2012. The -w option now updates both web pages and gitweb metadata. 1.7: 2015-04-05 Adapted for Gitorious shutdown; Gitorious-URL and Github-URL replaced by Repository-URL, Developer-Clone, and Anonymous-Clone. Now makes a gitweb-style description and README.html file. 1.6: 2014-01-07 Fix a brown-paper-bag bug in SourceForge directory syncing. 1.5: 2014-10-29 Add the ability to ship notifications to freshcode. Gittip has changed its name to Gratipay. Ohloh has changed its name to OpenHub. 1.4: 2014-06-24 More permissive NEWS parsing. Interpret leading version on a news stanza. Recent changes is now part of the default web-page template. 1.3: 2014-06-19 Removing support, as it stopped accepting new updates yesterday. 1.2: 2014-06-05 Fix a bug in the SourceForge delivery code. 1.1: 2014-06-04 Added the Validate field for smoke-testing before deliverables are shipped. 1.0: 2014-06-01 First public production release. 0.23: 2014-05-20 Correct a bug in Freecode name processing. 0.22: 2013-12-28 Minor bug fixes in web page templating. 0.21: 2013-12-02 Manual page overhauled in reponse to user feedback. 0.20: 2013-12-02 Project-Tag-List -> Freecode-Tags There is now the beginnings of a regression-test suite. 0.19: 2013-11-30 Use irkerd's new (release 2.3) immediate mode for IRC notifications. 0.18: 2013-11-22 Major change in interface; this is now a shellscript generator New variable-override syntax on the command line. Your profile can now be ~/.config/shipper a la XDG. 0.17: 2013-11-16 Added support for announcing to project IRC channels via irk. Helpers required by the package are now documented. 0.16: 2013-09-24 Added support for embedding a gittip link. 0.15: 2013-05-23 The Fernando Poo Day double release! First spin of 0.15 had a wrong checksum. SourceForge upload locations for FRS and project web have changed. Add and document the the sourceforge-folder variable. Ship project description with updates. Added IRC chat channel and Ohloh/github/gitorious URLs to optional metadata. Extract HTML page descriptions from elements. Push changes and tags if -t and -u are both enabled. md5 and sha* checksum files added to automatic website uploads. Release-Focus is gone; calling shipper is now a fire-and-forget operation. Add untested support for savannah-nongnu. 0.14: 2011-11-03 Cope with the Freshmeat to Freecode name change. 0.13: 2010-12-01 Set the Berlios download location correctly for SourceForge announcements. 0.12: 2010-11-26 Can now tag releases under hg and bzr, Added the logo variable and logo embedding in the web-page template. 0.11: 2010-11-22 Support for SourceForge as a destination. 0.10: 2010-11-15 Generate correct download directories in a Freshmeat announcement for a Berlios project. Check version in makefile as well as Makefile. 0.9: 2005-04-03 The Channels variable is gone. There are no longer default public channels; you put the ones you want in your Destinations variable. For safety's sake the force (-f) option is also gone; generated deliverables are now built unconditionally, and you must explicitly make sure no index.html exists in order to get one generated. There is now a "berlios" channel. 0.8: 2005-02-01 Strip trailing edit-mode lines out of RPM spec files. 0.7: 2005-01-27 Now handles packages that generate multiple binary RPMs correctly. 0.6: 2004-08-21 Fixed a minor bug in the generation of lftp commands. Also, generate a To line into email announcement. Mailman doesn't like implicit addressing. 0.5: 2004-02-06 Added security check so the ~/.shipper and .shipper files can't be used for privilege elevation. Fixed upload omission bug in case where neither -n nor -f was on and the webpage wasn't being built. Deliverables created for upload are deleted at end of run. 0.4: 2004-01-11 Correct extraction of freshmeat name. Build generated deliverables only if we know they will be needed. Help is now available at the freshmeat-focus prompt. 0.3: 2004-01-10 First alpha release of unified shipper package. It can ship itself. 0.2: 2003-12-17 rpm2lsm now grabs an RPM from the current directory if no argument, and parses an AUTHORS file if present (GNU convention). Also, this release fixes a bug in USERNAME handling. 0.1: 2002-08-01 Initial release of rpm2lsm, since folded into shipper package.