greed project news 4.2 @ 2017-03-16 Document the basic movement keys better on the manual page. Change from BSD 3-clause to 2-clause and use SPDX tagging. 4.1 @ 2015-06-15 Scores are now kept in ~/.greedscores if default scorefile is unwriteable. Each scorefile entry includes a timestamp. Note: these scorefiles are not compatible with greed-3.x scorefiles! 3.11 @ 2015-94-05 Code passes validation with cppcheck. 3.10 @ 2014-05-14: Fix a GREEDOPTS bug reported by Yu-Jie Lin 3.9 @ 2013-10-23: Minor improvements to in-game help and score management. 3.8 @ 2012-01-18: Fix for gcc4's real booleans from Kiyo Kelvin. 3.7 @ 3010-10-20: Clean up C for modern POSIX and C99-conformant environments. License changed to BSD. 3.6 @ 2003-12-29: Source RPMS no longer depend on --define myversion.