doclifter The doclifter program translates documents written in troff macros to DocBook. Lifting documents from presentation level to semantic level is hard, and a really good job requires human polishing. This tool aims to do everything that can be mechanized, and to preserve any troff-level information that might have structural implications in XML comments. This tool does the hard parts. TBL tables are translated into DocBook table markup, PIC into SVG, and EQN into MathML (relying on pic2svg and GNU eqn for the last two). Install by doing "make install". To install to a prefix other than the default (/usr), set a PREFIX environment variable e.g. "PREFIX=/usr/local make -e install" Test loads are included in the distribution; do "make check" to run the regression tests. The code has been live tested in about the most brutal possible way; it has been run against every single man page in all sections of a desktop Ubuntu installation. It lifts over 93% of these pages without requiring any hand-hacking. There is a detailed change log in the NEWS file.