cvs-fast-export is a complex program doing an intrinsically difficult job. Because analyzing CVS repositories has lots of strange edge cases, it is likely to need modification in the future. This document is a collection of notes intended to make that less intimidating.


This program was originally written as a one-off hack by Keith Packard in early 2006, when he was working on migrating the X repositories from CVS to git, and was not originally intended to survive that conversion. It was called parsecvs then. It called git tools directly to create translated repositories.

The code was briefly maintained by Bart Massey before passing to Eric S. Raymond in late 2012. ESR wrote the fast-export output stage and renamed the program to reflect its new function.

Most of ESR’s original contributions are in export.c, which is why that code is in a somewhat different style than the rest of the codebase. ESR also split the original commit structure into cvs_commit and git_commit as a space optimization, rescued the rather decrepit code for generating graphviz visualizations, and hacked the parser code to be fully re-entrant.

A few other people have contributed significant improvements since, mainly performance tweaks. Most notably: Jens Bethkowsky <> added a red-black-tree implementation to speed up symbol search; Aidan Hobson Sayers <> replaced an O(n**3) sort with an O(n log n) sort; David Leonard <> sped up compute_parent_links() and wrote several other significant optimizations. Laurence Hygate <> wrote many sort and hash optimizations. Alan Barrett wrote the improved progress meter. Tom Enterline sped up snapshot generation.

Significant portions of this code remain a trackless jungle of complex algorithms with poorly documented assumptions. Only Keith ever completely understood it, and he does no longer. Others have been able to modify it mainly by isolating pieces that they could comprehend without having to grok the whole.


To understand this program, you need to understand the problem it solves: lifting CVS repositories to git-compatible fast-import streams.

What makes this problem difficult is that CVS records deltas (and tags) per-file, but what we want for the fast-import representation is changesets - that is, coherent groups of per-file deltas that capture multiple per-file changes made with the same intention at the same time. The fundamental thing cvs-fast-export does is identify cliques of per-file deltas that should be coalesced into changesets.

To do this, it relies on the fact that the CVS command-line tools fake supporting changesets by replicating the comment that the user supplied to cvs commit into every individual file delta that the commit creates.

Under relatively recent implementations, CVS also embeds a common (and unique) commit-ID field in each file delta of the group. These cliques can be unambiguously identified. Groups recorded by older implementations that don’t generate commit-IDs must be identified by the fact that they have the same change comment, author, and change date.

Actually, commit-date comparison has to be fuzzy because each file commit is actually done as a separate operation and may not complete in the same clock second as the previous one (this is why cvs-fast-export has the -w option). Timestamp matching is further complicated by clock-skew effects; for historical reasons, deltas are committed with a timestamp generated on the client side rather than the server. Thus, clock drift between different client machines can cause some odd effects, including child revisions with dates before their parents.

But timestamp issues are actually the least part of the problem. A much bigger issue is per-file branch structures and tags that aren’t conformable with each other. The CVS tools have few safeguards against creating such, and it is easy to end up with a situation where file-delta cliques can be resolved but the right way to build them into a DAG of parent-child links is unclear or ill-defined. Inconsistent or incomplete tagging can cause interpretation problems as well.

Now you should read "RCS/CVS LIMITATIONS" in the cvs-fast-export(1) manual page.

Conformable branch structure

Below is a simple example of conformable branch structure involving two files.

In this diagram, down is the arrow of time. Each box on the left-hand side represents a CVS file delta, each box on the right a changeset. In each box the top line is a list of files modified and the bottom line a change comment. The branch labels at the bottom are HEAD for the main branch in each CVS file and master for the main branch in the gitspace DAG.

 +--------------+                          +================+
 |  foo.c 1.1   | +---------------+        | foo.c, bar.c   |
 |First revision| |   bar.c 1.1   |        | First revision |
 +--------------+ |First revision |        +================+
        |         +---------------+                 |
        |                 |                         |
        |         +---------------+        +=================+
        |         |   bar.c 1.2   |        |      bar.c      |
        |         |Second revision|        | Second revision |
        |         +---------------+        +=================+
        |                 |                         |
 +--------------+         |                         |
 |  foo.c 1.2   | +---------------+        +===============+
 |Third revision| |   bar.c 1.3   |        | foo.c, bar.c  |
 +--------------+ |Third revision |        |Third revision |
        |         +---------------+        +===============+
      HEAD                |                       |
                        HEAD                    master

Here’s an elaboration of that example, a conformant pair of CVS masters with branching:

 +--------------+                             +===============+
 |  foo.c 1.1   |   +--------------+          | foo.c, bar.c  |
 |First revision|   |   bar.c 1.1  |          |First revision |
 +--------------+   |First revision|          +===============+
        |           +--------------+                 |
        |                   |                        |
        |           +---------------+         +===============+
        |           |   bar.c 1.2   |         |    bar.c      |
        |           |Second revision|         |Second revision|
        |           +---------------+         +===============+
        |                   |                        |
 +--------------+           |                        |
 |  foo.c 1.2   |   +---------------+         +===============+
 |Third revision|   |   bar.c 1.3   |         | foo.c, bar.c  |
 +--------------+   |Third revision |         | Third revision|
        |   \       +---------------+         +===============+
        |    \              |       \1.3.1           |  \
        |     \1.2.1        |        \               |   \
        |      \            |    +---------------+   |  +===============+
        | +---------------+ |    |bar.c  |   |  | foo.c, bar.c  |
        | |foo.c  | |    |Fourth revision|   |  |Fourth revision|
        | |Fourth revision| |    +---------------+   |  +===============+
        | +---------------+ |           |            |          |
        |       |           |           |            |          |
      HEAD   alternate    HEAD       alternate     master     alternate

Note that the branch point and branch ID (the three-part label on the branch) for alternate are different in the two CVS masters, so cvs-fast-export cannot rely on them matching to figure out the topology.

It also has to deal wth this case correctly:

 +--------------+                               +===============+
 |  foo.c 1.1   |   +---------------+           | foo.c, bar.c  |
 |First revision|   |   bar.c 1.1   |           |First revision |
 +--------------+   |First revision |           +===============+
        |           +---------------+                  |
        |                   |                          |
        |           +---------------+           +===============+
        |           |   bar.c 1.2   |           |    bar.c      |
        |           |Second revision|           |Second revision|
        |           +---------------+           +===============+
 +--------------+           |                          |
 |  foo.c 1.2   |   +---------------+           +===============+
 |Third revision|   |   bar.c 1.3   |           | foo.c, bar.c  |
 +--------------+   |Third revision |           |Third revision |
        |   \       +---------------+           +===============+
        |    \1.2.1         |        \                 |   \
        |     \             |         \1.3.1           |  +===============+
        | +---------------+ |          \               |  |     foo.c     |
        | |foo.c  | |           |              |  |Fourth revision|
        | |Fourth revision| |           |              |  +===============+
        | +---------------+ |           |              |         |
        |       |           |    +--------------+      |  +===============+
        | +--------------+  |    |bar.c |      |  | foo.c, bar.c  |
        | |foo.c |  |    |Fifth revision|      |  |Fifth revision |
        | |Fifth revision|  |    +--------------+      |  +===============+
        | +--------------+  |           |              |         |
        |       |           |           |              |         |
        |       |           |           |              |         |
      HEAD   alternate    HEAD       alternate      master    alternate

That is, after any branch there may be a delta that doesn’t make a changeset with any delta on matching branches.

The previous diagrams elide some important details, which is how tags and branches are actually represented in CVS. First: there are no per-changeset tags, only per-file ones. When CVS fakes tagging a changeset, what it actually does is add the same tag symbol to every file master in the changeset.

(Various kinds of operator error and/or CVS bug can cause the creation of incomplete tagged sets, which don’t annotate every master in existence at tag creation time. These are a headache for any conversion tool. cvs-fast-export deals with them by creating tagged branchlets containing exactly one commit.)

Named CVS branches are represented by adding a "sticky tag" to every file in the branch. In the above examples, the branch beginning with would have been created with a command sequence like this done while 1.2 is checked out:

cvs tag alternate_0                  # Create a symbolic name for 1.2
cvs tag -r alternate_0 -b alternate  # Give 'alternate' a magic sticky value

The magic sticky value for the first (1.2.1.x) branch is If a second, 1.2.2.x branch were created, its magic sticky tag would have the value The sticky tag is treated as a name for its corresponding branch, whatever the tip revision happens to be.

Vendor branches

Vendor branches are a poorly-documented feature which has been a source of great confusion for programs attempting to convert or data-mine CVS repositories. This section describes the assumptions cvs-fast-export uses in dealing with them in painstaking detail, because it is not unlikely they will be a continuing source of correctness issues.

Here’s what the CVS documentation has to say under the documentation of the "import" command: "The [vendor] source is saved in a first-level RCS branch, by default 1.1.1. Updates are leaves of this branch; for example, files from the first imported collection of source will be revision, then files from the first imported update will be revision, and so on."

It is possible to have imports from multiple vendors using the -b option of "import" to set a base branch other than 1.1.1.

In "CVS II: Parallelizing Software Development" (1990) Brian Berliner, one of the principal CVS developers, write a major section 2.2 titled "Tracking Third-Party Source Distributions". It begins:

Currently, a large amount of software is based on source distributions from a third-party distributor. It is often the case that local modifications are to be made to this distribution, and that the vendor’s future releases should be tracked. Rolling your local modifications forward into the new vendor release is a time-consuming task, but cvs can ease this burden somewhat. The checkin program of cvs initially sets up a source repository by integrating the source modules directly from the vendor’s release, preserving the directory hierarchy of the vendor’s distribution. The branch support of RCS is used to build this vendor release as a branch of the main RCS trunk. Figure 2 shows how the "head" tracks a sample vendor branch when no local modifications have been made to the file.

The following diagram reproduces the topology of Berliner’s figure 2 using the same conventions as the diagrams in the previous section (these revisions have no change comments):

 +---------------+    1.1.1   +-------------------+
 | rcsfile.c 1.1 |------------| rcsfile.c | 'SunOS_4_0'
 +---------------+   'SunOS'  +-------------------+
                        A               |
                        |     +-------------------+
                        |     | rcsfile.c | 'SunOS_4_0_1'
                        |     +-------------------+
                        |               |
                        |     +-------------------+
                        |     | rcsfile.c | 'YAPT_5_5C'
                        |     +-------------------+
                        |               |
                        |     +-------------------+
             "HEAD"-----+---->| rcsfile.c | 'SunOS_4_0_3'

(The intended meaning of the arrow from "HEAD" to the vendor branch label 1.1.1 is not explained in the paper.)

Berliner continues:

Once this is done, developers can check out files and make local changes to the vendor’s source distribution. These local changes form a new branch to the tree which is then used as the source for future check outs. Figure 3 shows how the "head" moves to the main RCS trunk when a local modification is made.

 +---------------+    1.1.1   +-------------------+
 | rcsfile.c 1.1 |------------| rcsfile.c | 'SunOS_4_0'
 +---------------+   'SunOS'  +-------------------+
         |                              |
 +---------------+            +-------------------+
 | rcsfile.c 1.2 |            | rcsfile.c | 'SunOS_4_0_1'
 +---------------+            +-------------------+
         A                              |
         |                    +-------------------+
         |                    | rcsfile.c | 'YAPT_5_5C'
         |                    +-------------------+
         |                              |
         |                    +-------------------+
       "HEAD"                 | rcsfile.c | 'SunOS_4_0_3'

Berliner continues:

When a new version of the vendor’s source distribution arrives, the checkin program adds the new and changed vendor’s files to the already existing source repository. For files that have not been changed locally, the new file from the vendor becomes the current "head" revision. For files that have been modified locally, checkin warns that the file must be merged with the new vendor release. The cvs "join" command is a useful tool that aids this process by performing the necessary RCS merge, as is done above when performing an "update."

Berliner concludes:

There is also limited support for "dual" derivations for source files. See Figure 4 for a sample dual-derived file. This example tracks the SunOS distribution but includes major changes from Berkeley. These BSD files are saved directly in the RCS file off a new branch.

 +---------------+       1.1.1                         +-------------------+
 | rcsfile.c 1.1 |----+--------------------------------| rcsfile.c |
 +---------------+    |                                +-------------------+
         |            |  1.1.2  +-------------------+            |
 +---------------+    +---------| rcsfile.c |  +-------------------+
 | rcsfile.c 1.2 |              +-------------------+  | rcsfile.c |
 +---------------+                        |            +-------------------+
                                +-------------------+            |
                                | rcsfile.c |  +-------------------+
                                +-------------------+  | rcsfile.c |

Note that the paper does not actually describe how CVS should behave if the 1.2 revision were absent from this diagram.

Historically, cvs-fast-export’s behavior with respect to vendor branches (from when it was `parsecvs) was described by the following comment due to Keith Packard:

"Vendor branches" (1.1.x) are created by importing sources from an external source. In, this was from XFree86 and DRI. When these trees are imported, cvs sets the 'default' branch in each ,v file to point along this branch. This means that tags made between the time the vendor branch is imported and when a new revision is committed to the head branch are placed on the vendor branch In addition, any files without such a delta appear to adopt the vendor branch as 'head'. We fix this by merging these two branches together as if they were the same."

All that is consistent with the Berliner paper except, crucially, the last sentence (" merging these two branches together as if they were the same"). Consider the following revision diagram, which corresponds to Changelog,v in the oldhead test repository:

 +---------------------+            +---------------------+
 |    Changelog 1.1    |            |  Changelog  |
 | 1994-12-03T06:09:14 |----------->| 1994. |
 +---------------------+            +---------------------+
           |                                   |
 +---------------------+                       |
 |    Changelog 1.2    |                       |
 | 1995-02-08T11:54:21 |                       |
 +---------------------+                       |
                                    |   Changelog |
                                    | 1995-07-27T20:23:14 |

The actual oldhead repo has revisions up to 1.8 on the master branch and, but this subgraph illustrates the problem. Under the merge rule, the tip content will be that of than 1.2. This does not match CVS’s observed behavior.

The behavior now implemented is to find the highest-numbered (thus, presumbably, the most recent) vendor branch, point the "master" named reference at it, and then splice the existing master branch to the end of that vendor branch.

== Operation ==

This program operates in three stages. The first (analysis) digests a collection of RCS masters into a collection of linked lists and structures representing per-file revision trees. The second (resolution) massages the revision trees into a DAG (directed acyclic graph) of changesets. The third stage (export) emits a report on the DAG structure, either a fast-export stream expressing it or DOT code for a visualization that can be rendered by graphviz.

The main sequence of the code is, unsurprisingly, in the main() portion of the file main.c.

=== Analysis stage ===

The main function of this stage is cvs_master_digest().

It may be sequenced in one of two ways depending on whether you run with the -t option at a value 2 or greater. Without this, masters are processed sequentially as they are encountered. With it, they are dispatched to worker subthreads. The point of this is to avoid allowing I/O waits for one master read or snapshot export to stall compute-intensive processing of other masters (that is, mainly, delta assembly).

CVS master files consist of a header section describing symbols and attributes, followed by a set of deltas (add-delete/change sequences) one per revision number.

The analysis stage uses a yacc/lex grammar to parse headers in CVS files, and custom code to integrate their delta sequences into sequences of whole-file snaphots corresponding to each delta. These snapshots are stashed in a temporary directory, later to become blobs in the fast-export stream.

A consequence is that the code is tied to Bison and Flex. In order for the parallelization to work, the CVS-master parser has to be fully re-entrant. Heirloom Yacc and Lex can’t do that.

After some study of the structures in cvs.h, most of the analysis code will be fairly straightforward to understand.

If you have to modify the analysis code, it will most likely involve some small addition to the parse grammar to handle an attribute particular to somebody’s variation on CVS.

=== Resolution stage ===

The main function of this stage is collate_to_changesets(). All the really black magic happens inside it. Nobody understands all of this code; a few people have managed to comprehend individual pieces of it.

=== Export stage ===

Most of the export third stage is relatively easy to understand. It takes the annotated DAG produced by the second stage and emits either a fast-import stream or a DOT representation of the DAG.

The exception is the actual delta resolution done by the call to generate(), which is seriously hairy. Fortunately, that part of the CVS master format has (unlike the header and attribute information) been extremely stable, and thus the delta-integration code is unlikely to require modification.

You will probably find that only part of the export code proper that is really difficult to understand is the use of iterators in compute_parent_links(). This hair is justified by the fact that it optimizes what used to be an O(n**3) operation (and the worst hotspot in the code at the time) into about O(n).

The main challenge of this code is comprehending the data structures it consumes. That’s our next topic.

== Data structures ==

This program is rife with tricky data structures. If you want to modify it, the first thing you should do is read the definitions in cvs.h.

The trickiest part is that the rev_list structure is used polymorphically in such a way that it’s not easy to tell what the semantics of a rev_list * are. Early in processing it tends to point at the branch-head head list for a single CVS master. Later it can link to the digested form of an entire CVS repo (e.g. a linked list of rev_list objects each encapsulating a CVS master’s content). Still later it can link to a tree of gitspace commit objects.

In an attempt to make the code more readable, cvs.h defines three typedefs, one for each of these uses. The rest of this section uses those.

The first stage turns each CVS file into a cvs_repo * - a linked list of rev_ref objects, each of which represents a named CVS branch head. The rev_ref objects in turn point at chains of cvs_commit objects, each representing a CVS delta.

During the resolution phase, the branch structures associated with individual files are transformed into a single git_repo * representing a repository-state DAG. At this point, the commit pointers change semantics to refer to git_commit objects; a certain amount of type punning is involved.

The export code walks the resulting single git_repo linked list generating a report from it.

A notable feature of the git_commit structures is that the code goes to great lengths to space-optimize (pack) the representation of file paths in the commit at the point when it is synthesized (this is required in order to hold down the program’s working-set size on large repositories). After packing, paths are represented by structure trees that coalesce common path prefixes.

The refcount field in the commit structure counts the number of branch heads from which the commit can be reached by an ancestry chain.

== Source files ==

=== atom.c ===

The main entry point, atom(), interns a string, avoiding having separate storage for duplicate copies. No ties to other structures. The only complexity here is a straightforward hash implementation to speed up collision searches.

=== authormap.c ===

Manages a map from short CVS-syle names to DVCS-style name/email pairs. Added by ESR, it has few ties to the core code.

=== cvsnumber.c ===

Various small functions (mostly predicates) on the cvs_number objects that represent CVS revision numbers (1.1, 1.2, and the like). No coupling to other structures.

=== cvsutil.c ===

Code for managing and freeing objects in a CVS file structure. No coupling to revlist handling.

=== dump.c ===

Dump functions for graphing and debug instrumentation. Much of the code in here is obsolete and unused.

=== export.c ===

Code to dump a resolved DAG as a git-fast-export stream. Replaces much more obscure code in Keith’s original that built git repos directly by calling the git CLI. The only coupling to the core data structures is that it traverses the DAG created by the resolution stage.

=== generate.c ===

Convert the sequence of deltas in a CVS master to a corresponding sequence of file snapshots. This is the part of the export stage most likely to make your brain hurt.

=== gram.y ===

A fairly straightforward yacc grammar for CVS masters. Fills a cvs_file structure passed into it as a yyparse() argument.

=== graph.c ===

Like export.c, but emits DOT rather than a fast-export stream. Takes the DAG generated by the analysis stage and turns it into a description of the graph in the DOT markup language used by the graphviz tools.

=== import.c ===

Import/analysis of a collection of CVS master files. Calls the parser and builds the first-stage revlist. The complicated part is in the rev_list_cvs() call, which calls out to revcvs.c.

In the first-stage revlist, each element corresponds to a CVS master and points at a list of named CVS branch heads (rev_refs) in the master, each one of which points at a list of CVS commit structures (cvs_commit).

=== lex.l ===

The lexical analyzer for the grammar in gram.y. Pretty straightforward.

=== main.c ===

The main sequence of the code. Not much else there other than some fairly simple time and date handling.

=== collate.c ===

Here there be dragons. Core code used in analysis and resolution. Nobody completely understands this.

The main function is collate_to_changesets(), which is conceptually simple - it finds cliques of CVS deltas that match by commitid or other metadata, and creates a git changeset for each clique of matching CVS deltas. First it finds all the unique branch heads in the CVS masters, creates corresponding git branch heads, and sorts the git branch heads in tree order, trunk first. Then for each git branch head, it finds all the CVS masters that have deltas for that git branch, and calls collate_branches to create the git changesets. Finally tags are assigned to the changesets.

The job of collate_branches seems simple - find cliques of matching CVS deltas for one branch, and create corresponding git changesets.

The technique used by collate_branches is to put the masters (revisions) in order by change date, and step along that list to find the clique, i.e. find deltas that are "close enough" (within the cvs-fast-export window).

Reasons the code is hard to understand:

  1. The criteria for matching, as mentioned above, are complex. In the simplest case, deltas made under recent CVS versions can be matched by unique commit-ID cookies generated by CVS. When commit IDS are absent, clique matches must be recognized by a match of all other metadata (committer ID and change comment content) except for approximate match of time.

  2. The revisions array does not contain a static list of revisions, each revisions array element points to a master’s latest (newest) delta. As the CVS deltas are used to create git commits, the revisions array is updated to point to an earlier (older) delta of the same master.

Another way of understanding the process is as a set of "flows". Each revision array element is a window into the set of updates (flow) for the corresponding CVS master. Or using more traditional CS terminology, each revision array element is a pointer to an element of the CVS revisions linked list.

=== nodehash.c ===

Manage the node hash, an obscure bit of internals used to walk through all deltas of a CVS master at the point in the export stage where snapshot blobs corresponding to the deltas are generated.

=== rbtree.c ===

This is an optimization hack to speed up CVS symbol lookup, added well after the main body of the code was written and decoupled from the core data structures.

=== revcvs.c ===

Build the in-core revision list corresponding to a single CVS master. Just one entry point, cvs_master_digest(), which takes the structure built by the grammar parse of the master as its single argument.

A potential trouble spot is revcvs.c:cvs_master_patch_vendor_branch(). It’s not clear the algorithm is correct in all cases - it’s not even completely clear what "correct" would look like.

=== revdir.c ===

The least incomprehensible part of the core code. These functions are used to pack file paths in rev_file objects into a more space-efficient representation.

This code may use one of two packing implementations. The older one is in dirpack.c; it’s the scheme Keith Packard originally wrote. The newer one, which is more complex but drastically reduces working set size, is in treepack.c; it is due to Laurence Hygate.

=== revlist.c ===

Utility functions used by both the CVS analysis code in revcvs.c and the black magic in collate.c.

=== tags.c ===

Manage objects representing CVS tags (and later, git lightweight tags). These data structures reference and are referenced by the core structures, but the coupling is relatively loose and well-defined; you can figure out what is going on by reading the function names.

=== utils.c ===

The progress meter, various private memory allocators, and error-reporting. No coupling to the core data structures.

== Known problems in the code ==

There’s a comment in collate_to_changesets() that says "Yes, this is currently very inefficient". That is a probable hotspot.

The fact that nobody really understands the resolution algorithm is worrying. It means nobody has much hope of fixing it where it breaks.

There is a rare but fatal problem which manifests as a crash with the message "branch cycle error". It reflects an undiagnosed problem in the aforementioned resolution error.

Vendor-branch handling - revcvs.c:cvs_master_patch_vendor_branch() - is subject to problems in various ill-defined edge cases.

Various mysterious error messages need to be documented. Basically, if it’s not in the list on cvs-fast-export.adoc, it needs to be.

== Good practice ==

When modifying this code, run the regression tests (make check) early and often. It is very easy to break even with apparently innocuous changes. You will want to have cppcheck, pylint, and shellcheck installed for full code validation, and clang-format to reflow the code.

If you find a bug and fix it, please try to create a toy repo exhibiting the problem - or, better yet, a minimal set of operations to reproduce it. Then add that to the regression tests.

Likewise, when adding a feature, add a test for it as well.

This code is entirely enough of a comprehension problem without the extra drag created by style variations in whitespace. The "make reflow" production uses clang-format to enforce a modern 1TBS style. Please always use braces even on single-statement blocks. Before shipping a patch, please run "make reflow" and test the code again.

If you figure out something about the code that isn’t documented here - or, especially, if it’s documented wrongly - please include an explanation with your patch.