The men and women who founded our country knew, by experience, that there are times when the free person's answer to oppressive government has to be delivered with a bullet. Thus, the right to bear arms is not just *a* freedom; it's the mother of all freedoms. Don't let them disarm you! -- Eric S. Raymond % Hoplophobia (n.): The irrational fear of weapons, correctly described by Freud as "a sign of emotional and sexual immaturity". Hoplophobia, like homophobia, is a displacement symptom; hoplophobes fear their own "forbidden" feelings and urges to commit violence. This would be harmless, except that they project these feelings onto others. The sequelae of this neurosis include irrational and dangerous behaviors such as passing "gun-control" laws and trashing the Constitution. -- Eric S. Raymond % Never trust a man who praises compassion while pointing a gun at you. -- Eric S. Raymond % There's a truism that the road to Hell is often paved with good intentions. The corollary is that evil is best known not by its motives but by its *methods*. -- Eric S. Raymond % The kind of charity you can force out of people nourishes about as much as the kind of love you can buy --- and spreads even nastier diseases. -- Eric S. Raymond % The abortion rights and gun control debates are twin aspects of a deeper question --- does an individual ever have the right to make decisions that are literally life-or-death? And if not the individual, who does? -- Eric S. Raymond % Our society won't be truly free until "None of the Above" is always an option. -- Eric S. Raymond % Alcohol still kills more people every year than all `illegal' drugs put together, and Prohibition only made it worse. Oppose the War On Some Drugs! -- Eric S. Raymond % Rapists just *love* unarmed women. And the politicians who disarm them. -- Eric S. Raymond % Everything you know is wrong. But some of it is a useful first approximation. -- Eric S. Raymond %